Monday, 4 October 2010

Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk

Yes, I know it's been a long time since writing here. All this uni business has prevented me from sitting down and properly reading a book. However, my arrival at the uni has allowed me to read the one book I've wanted to read for over a year: Fight Club.

Many of us have seen the film and the book has many similarities. However, there are also many differences - all of which I can't list here due to risking spoiling the book but lets just say that the book will help one know how and where the narrator went during those gaps in the film.

Sadly, due to the risk of spoiling the book, I can't write a long review but what I can say is that the book is certainly ecellent and met my very expectations. Just like the film it is aa mind-fuck and makes you wonder what all that was about. In the end, though, the story comes together to crete a well-written, well-narrated story of man suffering from insomnia to create an alter-ego.

Due to this being a library book it's not one I can read again anytime soon although at a later date I will be picking it up.

Overall rating: 4/5