Saturday, 24 September 2011

Slugs by Shaun Hutson

Book two of the R.I.P. reading challenge is Shaun Hutson's debut novel "Slugs" - a gripping tale of what happens when eight-inch-long slugs begin attacking the London town of Merton.

It starts with the mysterious death of an unemployed man about to be kicked out of his home and continues with London citizens being killed in some very gruesome and unimaginable ways.

That's until 2 council workers and naturist figure out what's causing the deaths and how to get rid of it.

But there's an epilogue...

As a debut novel this book is extremely disturbing and a good cause of toe-curling and the realisation that there's always someone off worse than you. By using slugs, the fear or disgust is increased as they're nothing compared to snails or frogs. Long, fat, black lumps which slither along the ground, leaving a thick slime trail behind them in search for human flesh and blood.

I would have read this book a lot quicker than the 10 or 11 days it took but I've been so busy with moving and uni that I haven't had the chance to sit down properly. Like most of Shaun Hutson's novels this would usually be a very fast read at only 200 pages but, for the aforementioned reasons, it wasn't to be.

Now that I'm back at uni I won't have much time to do some casual reading so I may have to risk saying that this is the last book of the R.I.P. challenge unless I count I Am Legend, Children of Men, Frankenstein and Paradise Lost book 4 as horror and treat them as casual reading also. Reviews of all four will follow in the next few weeks.

Overall rating: 4/5

Location:Kempton Rd,Stratford,United Kingdom

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Zombie Apocalypse! by Stephen Jones

Zombie Apocalypse! is set in a time when the pride of Britain has withered and needs to be restored and so the New Festival of Britain is announced and excavations begin.

With those excavations, however, come consequences. As the builders open a tomb which contains the corpses of victims of a previous plagues they let the disease into the air, thus spreading it.

Told through a series of diary entries, letters, blogs and videos we're shown how the disease spreads and infects the planet.

Despite being very standard to the zombie genre, Zombie Apocalypse! is a decent book and another written in a style I've not read before. On the odd occasion it travels slowly, lacking much of interest, but it soon catches up.

For the first book on the RIP challenge this was a good one receiving a total rating on 4/5

Location:Nelson Grove,Chelmsford,United Kingdom

Sunday, 4 September 2011

2 months of horror and Shaun Hutson? Yes please

So I was just browsing the Interwebz for book review sites and came across the R.I.P. Challenge in which readers have to read just horror/thriller etc in the Autumn months and build-up to Halloween.

Fun stuff which means I may have to put back a few bits and pieces I was planning to read and get all those Hutson books read.

I'll be going for Peril the First - 4 books, but knowing me it'll be more. I've got some Stephen Kings too which I'll have a go at. It'll also be my first book challenge. Insignificant but true.

There might be some cheeky non-fiction about but we'll see.

Till then, see ya!

Location:Chelmsford, United Kingdom