Saturday 26 March 2011

I really need to sit down with a book for leisure again

Funny, isn't it? I came to uni to study English Lit., thinking I'd be in with the chance of reading a shit load of books but it seems to have become quite the opposite.

I'm reading one book every two weeks if I'm lucky. The last full book I read was that of the Alchemist by H.P. Lovecraft although being ten pages long I don't know if it could even be called a book. A short story or novella if we're lucky.

In English we've been studying Jekyll and Hyde and writing a ridiculously annoying essay on it which has meant I've had my nose buried in nothing but academic teaching books for the past 10 days. Maybe that'll explain my not reading. Or maybe it's because I've got almost 2000 books on my e-reader and just can't decide on one to read right through as I come across more. Shameful really.

I think what I'll do is finish this article and email it off and then sit down with a book I took out of the library and read it right through. The title will be revealed when (if) I finish it.

[Inner note: Just checked my e-reader and been reminded I was reading a certain book on Friday which I'd forgotten about. Probably because I went to a party that night and woke up at 7:30 this (Saturday) evening.]

With the above note in mind, I'll make sure to finish that book (It's only 50 pages long) and also another which I'm about to start.

I must get into some sort of habit of reading more books.

That'll be all.

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