Wednesday, 23 January 2013

The Rats by James Herbert

James Herbert is a writer I've only recently come across after attempting to read '48 during the latter half of last year but finding it to be rather slow and boring. However, someone then mentioned The Rats to me which I soon found in a charity shop and bought. I then read it.

I had no idea what to expect when reading The Rats, but I imagine it was something similar to what I felt when I read Shaun Hutson's The Slugs. I was, however, wrong. The Rats, due to its being set in the East End and therefore mentioning a number of familiar places, was certainly chilling. As I read through a story of London becoming infested with giant rats, I found that it made me feel slightly uncomfortable and on edge.

Although good, I found that JH's writing was slightly repetitive with its phrases and certain words. Descriptions were also sometimes lacking. Those are my only criticisms of this novel. It was otherwise a read that could be compared to Shaun Hutson's stuff. Although short at 200 pages, I found that it took me longer to read than expected. Possibly due to various outings and hospital visits or just my own laziness.

Would I recommend this book? Yes, I would, but more so if you happen to live in the East End of London.

Overall rating: 3/5

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