Sunday 4 September 2011

2 months of horror and Shaun Hutson? Yes please

So I was just browsing the Interwebz for book review sites and came across the R.I.P. Challenge in which readers have to read just horror/thriller etc in the Autumn months and build-up to Halloween.

Fun stuff which means I may have to put back a few bits and pieces I was planning to read and get all those Hutson books read.

I'll be going for Peril the First - 4 books, but knowing me it'll be more. I've got some Stephen Kings too which I'll have a go at. It'll also be my first book challenge. Insignificant but true.

There might be some cheeky non-fiction about but we'll see.

Till then, see ya!

Location:Chelmsford, United Kingdom


  1. This is a great challenge to have as your first. :)

  2. Great to have you join in on R.I.P VI! I hope you enjoy the Hutson books. I'm going to have to look those up as I am not familiar with the author.
