Tuesday 22 June 2010

Deadline by Simon Kernick

With Simon Kernick being one of my favourite crime/thriller writers it was going to be obvious that I'd like this book as he makes much of it seem like a true crime tale with his knowledge and connections with the Anti-Terrorist Branch and Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA). Using this knowledge and connection he can incorporate many authentic operation tactics into his writing.

Deadline tells the story of an abduction of a child with a ransom of half a million pounds cash. Bringing in his main characters (whom appear in all of his books) Tina Boyd, Mike Bolt, Mo Kahn and "Big" Barry Freud Kernick creates a story that is gripping and page-turning with many twists and turns which we wouldn't have guessed would happen.

As the story goes on Mike Bolt takes control of the op. However, as with most of Kernick's novels, Bolt's actions go very wrong or the criminal gets the better of SOCA and Deadline is no exception.

Reading on Kernick drags us deeper into the criminal underground of London and how a place that many people adore can become a place in which serious crime and dangerous gangs are just around the corner. This novel really makes you realise how dangerous 'da streets, innit' can be and may make you take a double look over your shoulder at the quietest of sounds and with the knowledge which Kernick has this adds to the authenticity of the story.

Although the story is intended to be completely serious we can't elp but shake our heads at some of Bolt's actions i.e. Suspension from SOCA yet he chooses to undertake his own investigation thinking he has a lead.

There are many twists and turns throughout with a conclusion which will make anyone go from "Ooh" to "WTF?!".

I may be bias in saying this book is a good read but it is still one I'd recommend any fan of crime/thriller should pick up as rather than tip-toe round the edges he digs right in to the point. I can simply justify this by saying that I own all of his books and have now read all but two of the 10 he has written.

To conclude this review let's just say that Kernick has done it again and managed to write yet another gripping tale of crime, death, destruction, suspense and humour.

Overall rating 8.5/10

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