Saturday 19 June 2010

Not Necessariy Stoned, But Beautiful by Sean Eger

Full title: Not Necessarily Stoned, But Beautiful: The Making of Are You Experienced.

This book gives the full lowdown of how the Jimi Hendrix Experience wrote and recorded a landmark album of pure excellence. Are You Experienced (Correct title has no question mark) was an album which placed a stamp on the way rock music really should be: loud, overdriven and passionate. We are given an in-depth inform of the troubles, the fun and the love they had in getting a band together, finding suitable recording studios, getting the right sound and the lenthy times a song took to perfect.

Not Necessarily Stoned begins with the telling of how and why James Marshall Hendrix came to England and his learning to play how he did. Before forming the Experience Hendrix had been in a bunch of other bands before but nothing had really gone far and he soon left.

Many people will say and notice that he played a right handed Strat upside down. Although Fender was making lefties at that time they were rare and, according to Hendrix, "Shit". By playing a reverse guitar he was also able to use the trem bar with ease, adding to the style of his music (listen to "Little Wing" for an example of his whammy use).

As the book goes on we find out how he got his crunchy sound, that some of his fans were the most famous musicians around (Jimmy Page, Clapton, the Stones et al), how, where and when songs were written and finally, the drug problems he had which did not cause his death.

Had I have had the time I could have finished this book in a day, however, I didn't so it took me a few days but it was worth the read and the £2.99 I paid for it. If you've not listened to Hendrix before I think it's safe to say that this book will make you search his name and "Fire" on youtube.

This book also gives first-hand accounts from managers, fellow musicians (Mitchell and Redding) and spouses. Well worth the read.


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