Monday 7 June 2010

The Desperate Diary of a Country Housewife by Daisy Waugh

Firstly: apologies for not writing a review on months, college has been a bit crazy what with catching up on old essays etc but I finally managed to finish the book that's been opening and closing for the past 3 months.

Spoilers follow

Moving on, this book is exactly as I expected it to be with the woman moving away, her husband being elsewhere and a builder hitting the scene. As I said in an earlier post, I planned to read some sort of chick-lit and here it is.

I did actually quite enjoy the book myself with there being moments of becoming buried within the pages hoping that this would happen etc. However, it isn't a book I would pick up and read again (or maybe I will but that'll be a long time from now) unless I really had the urge to.

The story tells of a married mum-of-2 who thinks she'll find paradise in the countryside, surrounded by fields, country pubs and the smell of nature. However, from the day she moves into the house things go wrong - her husband is constantly away for longer periods at a time, the house gets "hexed" and the kitchen falls apart after just being built. And then there's the builder she has an eye for - not the best of things to do when the other half is away.

And so the story moves on and I'm sure we can guess what happens when attraction begins between Mr. Builder and mum-of-2 but I'll let you find out the full story for yourself. This book may give you second ideas of moving to the countryside so also treat it as a handbook.

I found that the story was written in a rather typical fashion similar to "Confessions of a Shopaholic" with the woman being oh so womanly and pregnant with a kid which could have belonged to either man.

If you're a woman (or man) who is into typical chicklit then I'd say pick this up if you can find it (I managed to find it in Poundland when the actual RRP was £6.99 - bargain!), if you can't then it's no big loss.

In a nutshell: 4.5/10

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