Sunday 2 January 2011

Challenges for 2011

So all that Christmas and New Years stuff is finished and 2011 is in our hands - happy new year to you all. A new year means new challenges and as a reader I feel much obliged to set myself some reading challenges to complete this year.

As you can see, recently my reading has slacked and was down to reading 1 or 2 books a months. Not too good for an English major, eh? So, the following challenges will be set in place and hopefully kept to:

- Read at least 4 books a month. That's one a week and 48 a year. Hopefully I can make that 50+

- Read some longer books. Recently I've been confined to reading books of just 300 pages. Not too impressive seeing as I used to get through 600-paged crime books in 3 days in 2008-9. It's time to find those big books again and get reading (Twilight doesn't count here)

- Expand my reading horizons. I currently unintentionally confine myself to reading books which are either comical, crime, biographical, about murderers, horror or comedy. I will now attempt to move out of these confort zones and pick up some books on philosophy (a new interest of mine), romance, adventure and full-on classic literature.

- Read all of my unread books currently gathering dust on my shelves. Charity shops and Poundland are dangerous when it comes to books. If I'm in Poundland I can't help but try and pick up every book on the shelf and in charity shops I usually walk in empty handed and come out with a bag of two or more books. This shall stop (unfortunately books with an RRP of £7.99 in £land are impossible not to buy so I won't hurt myself here) now.

- Read every book on my reading list and add no more until they are all read. Simple enough - I want to read them so I will.

That's about it for challenges. Looking back on them they don't seem too hard to stick to so hopefully I'll succeed. I'll let you know if I don't.

I'm about to read either the unauthorise biography of Mick Jagger or the official biography of Kraftwerk. This may change. We'll find out in the next review.

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