Tuesday 18 January 2011

Hit by Tara Moss

Another little gem I picked up in Poundland, 'Hit' is the story of a businessman's son-cum-secret-criminal.

Beginning with our secret criminal having some naughty fun with an underage Asian girl and unknowingly being caught of camera, things soon start to go wrong. Ms. Underage Asian Chick is killed and the secret filmer is caught and also killed.

What follows is an undercover investigation into the killing of the filmer.

Unfortunately I can't really say more than that without giving pretty much the whole book away but what I can say is that despite Moss being Australia's number one crime writer, this book wasn't amazingly exciting for me. The story went a bit slow at times with very little happening and when something did happen, it was only in batches.

That's not to say I didn't like it. The characters were certainly interesting as were some of the events but they just didn't have that "Oomph!" to them. They just happened and that was that which was rather disappointing for a book written by a woman who has clearly done a lot of research in the events and how they happen (she's shot a gun, been set on fire, shadowed forensics and been to morgues).

I really don't know what else to say about this book other than that I very much doubt I'll be reading it again although I might look into the writer's other books at a (much) later date once I've cleared off my to-read list.

This one gets a small 2 out of 5 from me.

Tara Moss, you're hot n'all but the writing just didn't cut it, I'm afraid.

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